Memory Vault

Memory Vault

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This section of the website is for memories and all those wonderful stories and/or miracles of healing that we've had the opportunity to witness. Please feel free to share with everyone so it will not be forgotten. Please submit here or email to

Granny Worley Testimony 1976

In Tribute To Dee Worley

Aunt Dee lived a hard life don't you see.
In cotton fields of the the Great Depression
way down in Mississippi.
But happy in her God!
She taught her children how to trod
down that straight and narrow way
and told them it would lead to endless day.

As her feet swings in the water
of that beautiful river of life.
My Aunt Dee will never know
another thing of toil and strife.

If only I could send a message through the pearly gates
just one thing I would relate.
Just look down at that mansion of a church
Aunt Dee's life helped to build.
It shines a beacon of light
for all to see through the dark night.
It stands in all of its glory
where cotton fields once had grown
and it is harvesting holy seeds that
my Aunt Dee's prayers have sown.

Written by: Cherie Johnson April 2002

In Tribute To Dee Worley

Memphis Church Singing

I remember sitting in Aunt Dee's lap listening to the preaching during revival. She would hold her hands on mine and clap with the singing.
By Sister Ronda Artis
I was 13 years old I was staying the summer with Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Wint (really cousins but to me always aunt and uncle) I went to the alter for the first time on sunday night at Valhermoso, left headed to Memphis. I went to the little church next to Aunt Dee's house. I prayed several nights in the alter and thought I was getting nowhere, I felt but knew I was miserable. On Sunday morning I went to the alter, Satan was strong that morning, filling my head saying I was not good enough to receive the Holy Ghost. After church about a dozen of us kids stayed with Aunt Dee while all the others ran around having a good time. Aunt Dee took me aside talked to me. She said just talk to God like we are talking right now and he will hear you. I sat by myself talked to God then went inside the church just walking and talking. Satan came in and I said not anymore, I'm over this, I want the Holy Ghost. People started coming in, my oldest brother, J.A., came in and talked to me for a minute. I don't remember what he said, all I know is I wanted to just hug him and yell I want the Holy Ghost. I don't remember alter call starting, just remember what Aunt Dee Worley, said tell him what you want. When I did all I remember was standing up speaking in tongue. Satan jumped in saying you can't have it, so I was still in the alter, they've been praying longer than you, (this was my 7th time in alter). I think J.A. knew Satan was there, he said keep praying. I remember saying I don't care what your saying Satan. Then it seemed if I was hollering as loud as I could, for all I know I could have been whispering. God I wanted the Holy Ghost more than anything, then the best joy came over me, the peace was unbelievable. That was July 13, 1977, how I miss that little church and the older ones gone on.
By Sister Cindy Barber